Thursday, July 12, 2007

The SDA Appointment-Monday, July 9th.

I was definitely nervous this morning as we were getting ready for our appointment. Kostya suggested that we all pray together before we left, and that was very comforting. We arrived at the SDA a little early, which gave me just enough time to get even more nervous. We were escorted in by the SDA English translator, Tatiana. We met with the social worker who said that they don’t have any young male sibling groups available right now, and she said that the wait could be up to one month. As Matt mentioned, we have chosen to go visit a little boy who is 2 ½ years old.
Kostya has been so incredibly supportive of us, and is constantly doing all he can to make sure our needs are met. It is almost like having our own personal concierge traveling with us. He is so patient with us and our kids, although I’m sure having them here really does add to his work load.
The girls have been keeping busy with games, and DVDs. B has been working on a story on the laptop, and I think she is on the fifth page already, and they both are keeping a journal. Both Matt and K have said that so far this trip feels like a really great vacation, and they are right. It appears that everyone is recovering from jet lag except me, as I am still waking up around 4:00, which is also about the time that the sun rises here.
Tomorrow night we will take the train to Khmelnytsky to visit this little boy.

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