Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Arriving in Kyiv

A few months ago, I awoke after an early morning dream about our stay in Kiev. I immediately told Tami how clean and beautiful this historical city appeared. She smiled and lost in my mind it went. Well, my dream was not far off from the truth. Kiev is a jewel of a place. Of course, we only hit the hot spots this morning while killing time for three hours, but we saw some of the most gorgeous places. We walked through a lush park that sits up on a hill where you get a spectacular view of the Dnepr River. We saw ornate cathedrals, awesome statues, and architecturally stunning buildings. Some people even say the city reminds them of Paris. I am obviously quite impressed.

After emailing our facilitator, Kostya, for a year and a half, we were excited to finally meet him in person. He speaks excellent English with a bit of a southern accent. He works with many people from the south. He found a nice one bedroom apartment for us to stay while we are in Kiev. He will be instrumental in helping us pull this whole thing off. Tomorrow, we will be attending church with him which will be very interesting since the whole service will be in Russian. Despite the language block, I am looking forward to tomorrow’s service. Thanks again for all of your prayers. We had a great day in Kiev!

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